Fun Fan Facts


Elvis’s Personal Statistics


Born: January 8th, 1935 at four thirty-five a.m.


Male Caucasian


Height:  6’ 1”


Weight:  180 lbs. (He weighed 5 pounds at birth and more than

               255 pounds at the time of his death.)


Hair:  Light blondish, brown  (He dyed his hair black having

          gone prematurely gray)


Eyes:  Blue  (scar under the left eye)


Chest:  39-40”


Waist:  32” (in the fifties; over 44” in the seventies)


Hips:  41”


Shirt:  15 ½ - 17 neck,  35” arm


Shoe size: 11D, combat-boot size 12


Blood type:  O


Social security number:  409-52-2002


Selective service number: 40-86-35-16


Army serial number:  53310761  (draft number)


Registration / Convair 880 Jet:  N880EP


Registration / Jet Commander Airplane:  N777EP


National bank of Commerce checking account number:

         011-143875 (He signed all checks “E. A. Presley”)


Alias names:  Jon Burrows, Dr. John Carpenter


Guitars:  Martin D-28 and Gibson J-200


Favorite piano:  1928 gold-leaf Kimball Grand


Favorite flower:  Jasmine


Favorite dinner plates: Noritake’s Buckingham pattern


Favorite bacon:  King Cotton


Favorite bread:  Wonder Bread enriched


Favorite board games:  Scrabble and Monopoly


Favorite sports:  Karate, racquet ball, football


Favorite magazine: Mad


Favorite restaurants:  The Gridiron in Memphis and      

         Tiny Naylor’s and Hamburger Heaven in Los Angeles


Favorite meal:  Pork chops with brown gravy and apple pie for

        dessert, served with Pepsi-Cola


Favorite movie:  “The Party” starring Peter Sellers


Favorite boots: Vedi or San Remos (patent leather)


Favorite book (beside the Bible):  Kahlil Gibrand’s The Prophet


Favorite comic-book series:  Captain Marvel


Favorite bed:  The King-sized bed (of course) at Graceland


Favorite actors:  James Dean, Marlon Brando, Dean Martin,   

           Rudolph Valentino


Favorite animal:  Tiger


Favorite make of car:  Cadillac


Favorite gemstone:  Diamond


Favorite home:  Graceland


Favorite comedians:  Monty Python and Peter Sellers



Favorite Biblical Quotes


I Cornthians 13:1  “Though I speak with the tongues of men

      and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.”


Matthew 19:24  “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of

      a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”

      This is one of Gladys’s and Elvis’s most quoted passages,

     and its words haunted Elvis at the end of his life.


Psalms 101:1  “I will sing a song of mercy and judgment: unto

      thee, O Lord, will I sing.”




Martial Arts


     Although many people have claimed that Elvis earned an eighth-degree black

belt, he was not a black-belt master.  He “earned” (gratis) his first degree in 1960

and second degree in 1963, from Kang Rhee.  He skipped his third and fourth

degrees, which is not possible in a legitimate karate master’s program. 

Kang Rhee however, conferred his fifth, sixth and seventh degrees, and Ed Parker,

who became his bodyguard, presented Elvis with an eighth-degree black belt

(which signifies Master of the Art, which Elvis also did not earn).  The so-called

“karate” he used in his movies (G.I. Blues, Wild in the Country, follow That Dream,

Blue Hawaii, Harum Scarum, Roustabout, Kid Galahad) was nothing more than

an imitation of martial arts fighting techniques.  No master of tae kwon do would

ever spar in dojos wearing leather boots, jewelry, sunglasses, or long capes.


   Elvis’s karate name in tae kwon do was Tiger.  Elvis picked that name because

he felt that tigers were the most proficient animals on earth.  They were swift,

powerful, extremely agile and beautiful.  They could come and go without being

detected. To be tiger-like was to be king-like.  Elvis identified with their mystery

and splendor.  He had many various ceramic, painted and bronze images of tigers

in Graceland at the time of his death. 





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